How Old to Teach Your Child How to Swim

teach your child how to swim

This is a question that our swimming school is asked quite often… “How old to teach your child how to swim?” Ideally, a child that is six months old is ready to learn to swim. A child’s bones, muscles, and brain are too young and unprepared if they are not at least 6 months old. But, after 6 months of age, they’re physically and mentally capable of taking on the tasks associated with swimming such as floating and holding their breathe.

Times Have Changed

Until somewhat recently, children didn’t learn to swim at 6 months old. They usually learned when they were 1-3 years old. This is probably one reason why drowning is known as the leading cause of death in children ages 1-4. Also, children this age are far more likely to need medical attention for submersion injuries.

Assuming that your child is 6 months old, now is the time to get them started with swimming lessons. This will provide them with the survival and safety skills that they’ll need if they find themselves in water. Life Saver Survival Swim School teaches this age group to swim all the time.

But, what about all the other children that are older than 6 months and still haven’t learned to swim? That is not a problem, either. A child is never too old to learn to swim. We offer classes to these children, also.

Life Saver Survival Swim School groups children of different age groups into classes so that the children will have peers of similar age and experience. So, if your children are somewhat older, don’t hold them back from learning to swim. Learning these skills could save their lives.

A Good Experience at All Ages

Children find swimming to be fun. It is therapeutic and aerobic. It is a gateway to a lot of other hobbies and activities. Besides, learning to swim and float will save their lives.

Usually, children drown when they unexpectedly find themselves in water. Perhaps they have slipped and fallen into a pool of water. If they have learned to float and swim, they’ll likely be able to at least get themselves to the edge of the water or survive until someone else is able to help them.

Learning to Swim Are a Long, Expedition

Swim lessons are an expedition, a long voyage. You’ll learn new things on every part of the trip. To start off with, infants first learn to be comfortable around water. That comfort grows to kicking, floating, and pulling themselves out of the water. As they age, they’ll learn new advanced strokes and safety skills. Ultimately, they may want to dive and swim competitively.

Life Saver Survival Swim School Teaches Children of All Ages

Life Saver Survivor Swim School believes all children need to learn to float and swim. We think it is important to learn at any age over 6 months… the younger the better, but ALL children need to learn to swim, regardless of age! You can sign up for classes HERE, or call Bonnie at (832) 366-3008. Another way is to email her.