Baby Swim Lessons and Why They’re Important

baby learning to swin underwater

Your baby knows how to take a few strokes in water and you’re thinking that they don’t need further swim lessons… right?

That’s wrong… “dead” wrong.

Let’s talk about baby swim lessons and why they are so important.

Baby Swim Lessons are So Important

You probably signed your child up as an infant to get familiar with water, floating, and swimming. Your child may have been under one year old. They may have learned the basics, but here is what else they still need to learn:

Building Strength and Endurance

Repetitive swimming, especially at a young, growing age builds strength and endurance. Your child probably won’t become a high school, college, or professional swimmer. But, building strength and endurance will help your child in nearly any direction that they seek to pursuit as they grow older.

Build Confidence and a Sense of Pride

As your child learns to swim further and faster, they will naturally begin to develop an inward sense of confidence and pride. They will learn to swim further underwater and begin to feel more responsible and mature.

Builds Muscle Strength, Tone and Cardio

Swimming is an exercise that will build every muscle group in the human body including the lungs and human heart. This exercise routine will build the human body and spirit. It doesn’t matter which direction the child takes as they grow, swimming is a healthy way for them to get there.

Convincing a Child to Stay in Swimming is Easy

Nearly every child finds swimming as a fun activity. Swimming makes them more independent. Point out to your child that the stronger they become, the more confident you are in their abilities. This means that you can give them more “independence.”

The longer your child continues to swim, the more that they will be able to do by themselves. They will learn to jump in the water, chase friends underwater, and dive off the jumping board. This is all a healthy part of growing up.

Sign-Up for Their Next Class

If you haven’t already done so, go over to our register and sign-up your child up for one of our next-season classes. This is February and new classes begin soon at Life Saver Survival Swim School. Or, if you had rather call me, Bonnie, pick up your phone and dial (832) 366-3008.