Let’s Look Again… Would You Have Noticed this Child Drowning?

Before I get too far into this article, I need to WARN YOU! If you have an uneasy stomach or if you don’t want to handle anything ugly and too controversial, you may not want to read this article or watch the contents on this video. Both this article and the video are about a young child drowning. This video is not a demonstration… it is graphic and to the point.

For those of you that have decided to stay, let’s watch the video:

The first time I watched that video, it really disturbed me. The young child in this video is actually drowning! This was not a demonstration. How could that man just stroll by a child that was actually drowning?!

And, then, he does it a second time!

It almost seems unbelievable, but this actually happens as you can see in the video. Unfortunately, it happens all too often in real life, too!

There Are 4 Lessons to Learn

There are four valuable lessons to learn in this video:
1.) First, the importance of learning to swim.
2.) Second, the importance of always having someone whose primary job is to carefully watch over those children who are swimming.
3.) Third, learning to recognize the signs of a person drowning.
4.) Fourth, learn the signs of “silent drowning”.

Please note… this is not the first article that I’ve written about the difficulties of noticing someone who is drowning. I wrote another article about this nearly two months ago. You may want to read that article, too. It was also about a kid drowning.

Learning to swim is so important, especially for a young child. Learning to swim builds confidence and character. Besides, if all children learned to swim, it would save so many young lives. Nearly 3,500 children under the age of 5 drown every year. Drowning is the leading cause of accidental deaths for children in the United States.

There should always be a responsible adult over-seeing children when they are in a pool of water. Accidental drownings occur much too often. The person over-seeing the children needs to keep their full attention focused on the children in the pool.

It is not always easy to recognize when someone is drowning. It is not at all like you see on television. Learn the real-life signs of someone having problems in a pool of water. Even if you are not positive, always take life-saving actions. In cases like this, being wrong is not so bad!

The young, boy in this video was drowning in a way called “silent drowning”. It is particularly hard to spot someone who is “silent drowning”. People who drown like this are usually non-swimmers. A person who is experiencing a “silent drowning” will: 1.) Rarely call out for help. This voluntary action is psychologically gone from their thoughts. 2.) Rarely wave their arms and hands above their head… they will only spread their arms out to their sides.3.) They won’t get their nose and/or mouth above the water.

“Silent drowning” victims will skip all of the normal distress phases of waving, screaming, and yelling. That is why you should call for help if you see someone floating face down for more than a few seconds!

Avoid These Problems… Teach Your Child to Swim at an Early Age

Life Saver Survival Swim School was created because the owner, Bonnie, wanted to teach children as early as possible to survive in any aquatic situation. That is why her school specializes on training young children to swim and/or float. Your child may be able to enroll in her classes as early as 6-months old.

If you would like to enroll your child or if you have some other questions, visit Bonnie’s website at https://www.lifesaversurvivalswim.com. Or, give Bonnie a phone call at (832)366-3008. Still, another way is to email her.