These are Things Our Instructors “Wish You Knew”

wish you knew why your child is crying

wish you knew why your child is crying

Assuming that your child is very young, they are likely to cry when they get into the pool for the first few times with their swim instructors. That is nothing new. It happens all the time. Our instructors are well aware that this is likely to happen. Don’t be surprised by their crying! There are a few other things, however, that we need to talk about. These are a few things that our instructors wish you knew, already.

Here Is a List of Things We Wish You Knew

Stay the Course

– Don’t be surprised about your young child crying. It is their way of expressing themselves. In a way, their saying, “I’m not used to being with strangers and I had not rather be going into this pool with a stranger… let me out!”

Many times, these children will throw a tantrum. Often, that’s how they got their way in the past. Our instructors have been trained on this sort of behavior. So, just fold your arms and bite your lips…

It will take about three lessons before the instructor is no longer a stranger to your child. If you after a few lessons still don’t see any change in your child’s behavior, talk it over with the instructor. There are other options that can be explored.

Stay Calm and Cool

– All of the swim lessons that follow these first few will depend upon the tone and attitude that you, the parent, displays. Try not to look tense and nervous. Do try to act cheerful and excited. Your child is picking up on these things!

If you look like all of this is a positive, rewarding experience, your child is likely to do the same thing.

Watch from A Safe, Secure Distance

– As a parent, we know your going to watch. We would do the same thing if we were in your place. However, please watch from a short, secure distance. Preferably, where you can easily see the swim instructor and your child, but where it is hard for them to see you.

You would think that if your child can see you, it would make them more comfortable. That might be true, but the big problem is that if you are close, that is exactly what the child wants… they want you close so you can come get them… and, that’s a bigger problem! In these cases, the child will not give his sole attention to the instructor.

Try not to make yourself available to your child’s attention until the end of the class. Perhaps, when you are bringing your child a towel to dry off with.

Don’t Give Up

– All things get better. Don’t quit until graduation. If you do, if you give into your child’s crying or their temper tantrums, it will just be worst the next time you try!

Our instructors are trained professionals. They have seen and experienced all of this before. All of this is not anything new to them. They will get your child AND YOU through this… TRUST ME WHEN I SAY THIS!

Life Saver Survival Swim School, LLC – Swim Instructors You Can Trust

We have been teaching children to float and/or swim for nearly 20 years, now. We have taught thousands of children these important skills. If you have a child, or maybe more than one, and if you are ready to enroll them in one of our classes, sign them up here. Or, perhaps you have a few questions that you would like to ask, then call our owner Bonnie by dialing (832) 366-3008. Or, you can email her.