Getting on the List of Essential Services in Texas

list essential services in texas


We need to all try to stop this horrible problem. Nearly 10 people per day die from unintentional (not boating related) drownings in the United States. Thus far, teaching, especially children, has not been declared on the “list of essential services” in Texas.

Nearly 20% of those that die are 14 years old or younger. Another nearly 9 people per day nearly drown and 50% of them require hospital care for such things as severe brain damage. These accidents are nearly all preventable. These accident victims needed only to take the time to learn swim and/or float.

Texas is Part of the Problem

Our State of Texas is part of that same problem. It is only April and 9 children have already died in our Great State. Data shows that Texas was the deadliest State  for child (15 years of age or younger) pool and spa drownings in 2019. There were 34 drownings in Texas, compared to 23 in Florida, 19 in California, 14 in Ohio, and 13 in Arizona. And, with the coronavirus epidemic, it is likely to get worst.

list of essential services showing map of child drownings in texas

Everyone has been “locked in their house”. Unless a person works in what the government calls an “essential service”, we have all been told to not leave our houses. This means there are a lot of children who are unable to leave their homes. A lot of these homes in Texas have home swimming pools. Take these children who have a lot of “un-burned energy” and stick them close to a home swimming pool, and you can guess at what is likely to happen! It is not a good situation.

That is why many of us who are in the industry of teaching children how to float and swim are in the process of filing a petition. We are asking our State governments to declare our industry an “essential service”. We are asking them to allow us to continue to teach children the essential skills of surviving if they are ever in an unexpected pool of water. After all, drownings remain the #1 leading cause of death for children under 5.

Help Us Get On the List Of Essential Services

You, your family, and friends can help our cause. Please visit and sign our petition. We are asking for as many possible signatures as possible before we ask our State legislators and Governor to declare our industry an “essential service”. Your signature will help.

Life Saver Survival Swim School, LLC in anxious to get our training classes started, again. I got into this industry to stop child drownings. It is frustrating to be sitting here on the sidelines. If you have any questions that I can help you with, please give me a telephone call. My name is Bonnie and I can be reached by dialing (832) 366-3008. Or, send me an email.